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Dancing, Traveling and Living It Up After Four Joint Replacement Surgeries

Dancing, Traveling and Living It Up After Four Joint Replacement Surgeries

Joint Replacement Surgery

If you ever spoke to Robin Glover, you’d never guess that this optimistic and vivacious woman spent the last 20 years coping with debilitating knee and hip pain. After replacing two hip joints and two knee joints, Robin hopes her story will inspire others with severe hip and knee pain to seek treatment at UOA and experience lasting relief.

As a teen and young adult, Robin was active in cheerleading and went running on a regular basis to maintain a healthy weight. Regular wear and tear from these activities, along with genetics, contributed to Robin’s knee and hip pain, which gradually worsened over the years that followed.

In 2016, Robin was diagnosed with breast cancer, which was treated with aggressive radiation therapy and chemotherapy. In 2018, she was treated with immunotherapy, after which her hip pain became unbearable to the point it was difficult to perform everyday tasks such as putting on shoes and buying groceries. Her hip pain also caused difficulty sleeping. It was then she decided to visit UOA and discuss her treatment options with Stephen Kayiaros, MD.

Dr. Kayiaros initially suggested she start physical therapy, which Robin did for four months without an improvement in symptoms. She then opted for anterior hip replacement.

In the weeks and months that followed hip surgery, Robin was surprised at how quickly her suffering had ended and felt as though she had never had a hip problem. In June 2019, she had a right knee replacement, followed by a left knee replacement two years later. Shortly thereafter, she had her right hip replaced with hopes of eliminating all pain for good.

After each of her four joint replacements, Robin worked with Ryan Kay, PT, DPT, to undergo physical therapy as part of recovery. Ryan would push Robin during sessions in a way that motivated her to perform her very best and achieve the fastest possible recovery.

After having lived with pain for more than two decades, Robin is ready to live her life to its fullest and get back to doing all her favorite activities. She is happy to have regained control over her body and once again go dancing, attend music festivals and do simple tasks such as getting in and out of the car, pain-free. Bike riding, traveling and attending Broadway shows are some of her other favorite activities now that she is completely free of hip and knee pain. 

Robin views her team at UOA as family and gives praise to both Dr. Kayiaros and Ryan for their patience and for guiding her successfully through treatment and recovery. When asked if she could say anything to Dr. Kayiaros and the team at UOA, Robin says, “Thank you for changing my life for the better. Thank you so much.” Robin adds she couldn’t imagine a better team.

University Orthopaedic Associates offers a full range of orthopaedic services, including joint replacement surgery. If you are experiencing hip or knee pain, contact UOA at (732) 537-0909 to request an appointment and learn more about your treatment options.