Dr. Fleming Gives Demonstration at Arthrex Headquarters

University Orthopaedic Associates podiatric surgeon, Dr. Justin Fleming, was invited to Arthrex headquarters in Naples, FL on April 26, 2019 for a demonstration of two procedures. Arthrex invited Dr. Fleming due to both his position as an acknowledged expert in the procedures and his familiarity with the Arthrex system.
Dr. Fleming demonstrated a Brostrom repair and a fibula repair to fellowship candidates while at Arthrex headquarters. A Brostrom repair is a surgical procedure designed to treat chronic ankle instability, which is ligament loosening and damage that can develop after multiple ankle sprains. During the Brostrum repair, Dr. Fleming showed the fellowship candidates how he uses Arthrex hardware to help secure the ankle’s lateral ligament complex and prevent future ankle sprains.
The fibula is one of the two bones of the lower leg (the other being the tibia), and a fibula fracture is what most people think of when they hear the term “broken ankle.” Dr. Fleming demonstrated Arthrex’s advanced technologies that help line up (reduce) the broken parts of the bone and hold them in place as it heals.
Dr. Fleming is grateful for the opportunity to pass on his knowledge to the next generation of foot and ankle surgeons. UOA is proud to have an expert such as Dr. Fleming and, indeed, all of our healthcare providers, on staff and providing the best care available to our patients.
If you’ve experienced an injury to your foot, ankle or lower leg, request an appointment with Dr. Fleming or another of UOA’s foot and ankle experts.