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Dr. Stephen Kayiaros Authors Chapter in Major Medical Textbook

Dr. Stephen Kayiaros Authors Chapter in Major Medical Textbook

Anterior Hip TextbookBlog

The world’s first comprehensive text on anterior approach hip reconstructive surgery

Our own Dr. Stephen Kayiaros, an orthopaedic surgeon at University Orthopaedic Associates (UOA), has contributed to The Direct Anterior Approach to Hip Reconstruction, a comprehensive textbook that represents the first reference book of its kind! This volume provides a thorough education of this surgical procedure for the orthopaedic resident, fellow or surgeon.

The book, edited by B. Sonny Bal, MD, JD, MBA; Lee E. Rubin, MD; Kristaps J. Keggi, MD, Dr Med (hc), represents an invaluable resource to orthopaedists throughout the world for improving surgical outcomes for hip arthroplasty (reconstruction or replacement), as well as reducing complications and increasing patient safety.

The direct anterior surgical approach, part of the evolution of total hip arthroplasty, represents the trend in less invasive surgical techniques. The book focuses on this approach to address hip problems most typically caused by osteoarthritis and more. It also addresses the procedure itself when performed for sports medicine, trauma, pediatrics and tumor surgery.

This 34-chapter, 275-page hardcover book provides step-by-step learning for the introductory, intermediate and advanced level. To further enhance the material, the written text is accompanied by a website with educational videos.

Chapter 15, Avoiding, Recognizing, and Treating Complications of the Direct Anterior Hip Approach, is co-authored by Mohan S. Tripathi, MD and Stephen Kayiaros, MD. It is the first chapter in the book’s section, Advanced Adult Reconstructive Techniques.

The direct anterior approach to hip reconstruction is a technique widely used by Dr. Kayiaros and the experts at UOA, so it is with great pride that we congratulate Dr. Kayiaros for his contribution to this important work in the field of orthopaedic surgery.