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MRI and Intra-Operative Planning to Avoid Graft-Tunnel Mismatch in BTB ACL Reconstruction

Ongoing Studies

Rutgers IRB: PRO2022000776

Primary Investigator: Dr. Charles J. Gatt, Jr, MD

TITLE OF STUDY: MRI and Intra-Operative Planning to Avoid Graft-Tunnel Mismatch in BTB ACL Reconstruction

Purpose/Specific Aims:

The purpose of this study is to improve our understanding of bone-tendon-bone (BTB) length and avoid graft-tunnel mismatch when performing ACL reconstruction.


The aim of this study is to collect objective measurements about the knee during ACL reconstruction to aid our creation of bone tunnels and prevent graft-tunnel mismatch.

Hypotheses / Research Question(s):

MRI measurements can precisely direct required tibial tunnel location and angle Research Questions: 1) Are MRI measurements of patellar tendon length reliably accurate as compared to intra-operative measurement of harvested tendon 2) How often is graft-tunnel mismatch a problem? 3) Is graft-tunnel mismatch more common with independent femoral tunnel drilling (vs transtibial drilling)

Trial Protocol