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Osteoporosis Screening Announcement

Osteoporosis Screening Announcement

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Osteoporosis is a skeletal disorder that predisposes an individual to have an increased risk of sustaining a fracture. The National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF) estimates that 10 million Americans have osteoporosis. Women are more prone then men to have osteoporosis. In addition, there are 34 million Americans that have low bone mass which may continue to progress to osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis can be identified by measuring bone density through the use of a Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry – abbreviated DXA. This machine measures bone density in grams/centimeter squared and then calculates a score. The bone densitometry can be used to assess your fracture risk. The test is painless and consists of a very low dose of radiation. The DXA can measure bone density at the hip and spine and, if needed, the radius in your forearm.

University Orthopaedic Associates, LLC now offers our patients the opportunity to have DXA scans performed in our New Brunswick office with the GE Lunar Prodigy Primo bone densitometer. The testing takes roughly 10 minutes to complete once patients complete a self administered questionnaire for osteoporosis screening. Exams will be reviewed by our Nurse Practitioner, Patricia Seuffert, MS, ANP.

Tricia has completed training in bone densitometry through The International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD). ISCD was established in 1993 as a nonprofit professional society to enhance knowledge about bone densitometry for healthcare professionals and for the general public too.

ISCD currently recommends DXA scans for:

  • women 65 or older, men 70 or older,
  • anyone with a fragility fracture (a broken bone that occurred with minimal trauma),
  • anyone with a disease, condition or medication associated with osteoporosis,
  • women who have been treated on hormone replacement therapy for prolonged periods,
  • and anyone being treated for osteoporosis to monitor the effects of therapy.

Please call today to setup an appointment with one of our physicians to discuss your risks of osteoporosis.