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Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy

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Select physicians in our group are currently providing CASCADE® injections to interested patients as an additional treatment strategy for soft tissue repair and regeneration. CASCADE®, or platelet rich plasma injections, can be performed as an in-office procedure treatment for shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, and ankle tendon injuries.

CASCADE® injections consist of platelet rich plasma (PRP) that is obtained via a simple venipuncture or blood drawing from the patient. A small amount of blood (which is contained in a tube) is next placed in a centrifuge and prepared to separate the platelets and growth factors from the other blood components. What remains is a concentration of platelets and growth factors that is directly injected back into the patient at the site of injury. The PRP will naturally stimulate the healing process in the injected area of injury and will, over time, ultimately return the tissue to its normal state. The healing process will be associated with a reduction of pain and a quicker return to normal function.

CASCADE® is safe since it is derived from the individual patient’s blood and sterile technique is applied with both the blood retrieval and PRP injection. PRP has been extensively studied and utilized for many years. Platelet therapy has demonstrated significant clinical improvement in a number of musculoskeletal injuries and is fast becoming a promising treatment for patients with soft tissue injuries that are not responding well to conventional treatment.

For additional information, please call our office at (732) 545-0400 or you may look on the Web at the CASCADE® site address: platelettherapy.com.