Management of Challenging Cases Compendium

Why this course?
The medical literature is constantly evolving and practitioners often find it hard to stay current with best practice guidelines.
In order to provide optimal care, clinicians must recognize common signs and symptoms of injury. Practitioners should utilize appropriate clinical tests and imaging in order to make the correct diagnosis. Patient care is often difficult as injury can impact pain, function, sleep, daily activity, and sports participation. Treatment often varies between practitioners and is frequently not based on the best available evidence. The use of opioids may benefit some patients, but the proper patient selection and use need to be scrutinized to optimize outcomes and prevent addiction. Conservative and surgical treatment options should be weighed and selected based on the potential for optimal outcomes.
Target Audience
This activity is designed for athletic trainers interested in or involved with the management of sports-related injuries.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this program, learners should be better able to:
- Discuss the considerations for opioid use and consider alternative pain reduction methods.
- Recognize signs and symptoms injury and determine appropriate referral, imaging and care.
- Choose appropriate indications and methods for reducing joint dislocations.
- List common clinical considerations for managing sports injuries.
Method of Participation:
This year’s education will be conducted as both a free, live/in-person meeting, and broadcast as a live webinar.
There is limited seating available at the venue and in-person attendance will be limited to the first 30 registrants. All participants must pre-register via the form on this page and complete the post-course evaluation to receive educational credits for participation in the educational event.
*There is NO Charge to participate in this education.
Program Agenda:
7:30 am | Registration, Continental Breakfast |
8:00 am | Welcome and Introduction |
8:10 am | Timothy M. Hosea and Jeffrey R. Bechler Keynote Address: Opioids: Considerations for Use and Abuse Charles J. Gatt, Jr., MD |
8:45 am | Management of Joint Dislocations
Kenneth G. Swan, Jr., MD |
9:10 am | Hands on Management of Dislocations Lab |
9:30 am | Challenging Cases
“Athlete with lateral Joint Line Tenderness of knee” “Athlete in need of ACLR; Are they a candidate for BEAR Procedure?” “Football player with on-field knee injury” “Athlete with knee pain presents to primary care physician” “Management of shoulder instability with glenoid rim fracture” “AC joint sprain of a wrestler” |
University Orthopaedic Associates/Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Faculty
Cris Beiro, MD – Orthopaedic Surgeon, Clinical Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, Rutgers, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
Patrick S. Buckley, MD – Orthopaedic Surgeon, Clinical Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, Rutgers, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
Charles J. Gatt, Jr., MD – Orthopaedic Surgeon, Associate Professor and Chairman, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
View Shoulder Case Presentation
Kenneth G. Swan, Jr., MD – Orthopaedic Surgeon, Clinical Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
Timothy Hosea/ Jeffrey R. Bechler - In Memorial

To honor the legacies of Dr. Timothy M. Hosea, and Jeffrey R. Bechler, each year we designate a guest lecture as the Timothy M Hosea/Jeffrey R. Bechler Memorial Lecture. This years lecture will be provided by Charles J. Gatt, Jr., MD.
Course Evaluation
The online evaluation survey can be found at:
Supplemental Information
Click on any link below to download zip files with corresponding information on each topic.
Opioids: Considerations for Use and Abuse
Management of Joint Dislocations
Management of Joint Dislocations (Shoulder Video)
Athlete with Lateral Joint Line Tenderness of Knee
Athlete in Need of ACLR; Are They a Candidate For BEAR Procedure?
Football Player with On-Field Knee Injury
Life In Motion Magazine
All individuals who affect the content of continuing education activities are required to disclose to the audience any real or apparent conflict of interest related to the activity. The activity faculty is further required to disclose discussion of off-label/investigational uses in their presentations. These disclosures will be made to the audience at the time of the activity.
Certified Athletic Trainers
University Orthopaedic Associates, LLC (P959) is recognized by the Board of Certification, Inc. to offer continuing education for Certified Athletic Trainers. This program is currently under BOC review for approval of a maximum of 3.0 hours of Category A continuing education. Certified Athletic Trainers are responsible for claiming only those hours actually spent participating in the continuing educational activity.
Method of Participation:
In order to meet the learning objectives and receive continuing education credits, all participants are expected to formally register for the activity, attend the program/watch the webcast and complete an on-line evaluation at the conclusion of the activity. A CE certificate will be emailed to participants upon completion of the on-line evaluation.
Athletic Trainers: A certificate of attendance/CEUs will be provided to athletic trainers upon receipt of their completed evaluation and post-test. It will be emailed within 1 week of the receipt of the completion of your course evaluation.
Peer Review:
This activity was peer-reviewed for relevance, accuracy of content, and balance of presentation by:
Eric Nussbaum, MEd, ATC, LAT, Clinical Instructor of Orthopaedic Surgery, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School; Athletic Trainer, UOA
Disclosure Declarations:
In accordance with the disclosure policies of UOA and to conform with FDA guidelines, individuals in a position to control the content of this educational activity are required to disclose to the activity participants: 1) the existence of any relevant financial relationship with any ineligible company, i.e., a company whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients, within the past 24 months; and 2) the identification of a commercial product/device that is unlabeled for use or an investigational use of a product/device not yet approved.
Faculty Disclosures:
The following faculty have no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose:
- Cris Beiro, MD
- Patrick S. Buckley, MD
- Charles J. Gatt, Jr., MD
- Kenneth G. Swan, Jr., MD
The following planners have no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose:
- Charles J. Gatt, Jr., MD
- Eric Nussbaum, MEd, ATC, LAT
Off-Label/Investigational Use:
Speakers are required to disclose discussion of off-label/investigational uses of commercial products/devices in their presentation. These disclosures will be made to the audience at the time of the activity.
The views expressed in this activity are those of the faculty. It should be noted that the recommendations made herein with regard to the use of therapeutic agents, varying disease states, and assessments of risk, are based upon a combination of clinical trials, current guidelines, and the clinical practice experience of the participating presenters. The drug selection and dosage information presented in this activity are believed to be accurate. However, participants are urged to consult all available data on products or procedures before using them in clinical practice.
University Orthopaedics Associates reserve the right to modify the program contents and faculty if necessary.
Copyright © 2023 University Orthopaedics Associates. All rights reserved including translation into other languages. No part of this activity may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from Rutgers.
For questions or concerns regarding this activity, please call Eric Nussbaum at 908-300-5833 or by email
Meeting Facilities
UOA Morganville –
280 Rt. 9 North, (Shoprite/Home Depot/Tao Plaza)
Morganville, NJ
Free parking is available at the meeting venue.
(On-Site Registration is LIMITED to the first 30 Registrants)
For Additional Information
For additional program information, questions, or concerns, or if you require special arrangements to attend this activity, please contact Eric Nussbaum at 908-300-5833 or by email at
University Orthopaedic Associates, LLC reserve the right to modify the activity content, faculty and activities, and reserves the right to cancel this activity, if necessary.