Latest Blogs
Dr. Patrick Buckley Speaks on Student Athletes Returning to Sports Following COVID-19 Restrictions
On August 11th, UOA’s Dr. Patrick Buckley was a featured speaker and moderator on the webinar, “Student Athletes: Returning to Training and Competition Following COVID-19.” The webinar addressed the topic of student athletes returning to...
[Read More]Plantar Fasciitis
What Is the Plantar Fascia? The plantar fascia is a band of tissue located at the bottom of the foot that runs from the heel to the base of the toes. The purpose of the plantar...
[Read More]UOA’s Dr. Patrick Buckley Accompanies U.S. Moguls Ski Team to Calgary for World Cup Event
In February, University Orthopaedic Associates’ Dr. Patrick Buckley traveled with the United States Olympic Moguls Ski team to Calgary, Canada, for a Moguls World Cup event. Mogul skiing is a freestyle skiing competition with athletes...
[Read More]What to Do When You’ve Injured Your Rotator Cuff
By Ryan P. Kay, DPT A rotator cuff injury is a common injury of the shoulder, but patients often misunderstand what the rotator cuff (RTC) is and does. Practicing in an outpatient orthopaedic clinic, physical therapists...
[Read More]Protec Hockey Ponds Partners with Prominent Local Orthopaedics Practice
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Joe Bucchino General Manager Protec Hockey Ponds 15 Worlds Fair Drive Somerset, NJ Protec Hockey Ponds Partners with Prominent Local Orthopaedics Practice University Orthopaedic Associates (UOA) will help keep our young athletes healthy SOMERSET, NJ, January 31, 2020—Protec Ponds, home...
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