After a Meniscal Tear, High School Freshman Sets School Record
After a Meniscal Tear, High School Freshman Sets School Record
The moment high school freshman Blase Mele stepped off the mat after a close wrestling match, he immediately knew something was wrong. “I couldn’t straighten my leg, and once I got home and reassessed, I...
[Read More]Youth Athlete Back on the Field, Doing What He Loves
It’s difficult for John Gannon to describe what his arm felt like while blocking an opponent during a football kickoff in the fall of 2018. That’s because his arm was bent and pushed in unnatural...
[Read More]Sports Goals Realized with Innovative Surgical Procedure
For her entire life, Emilie Miller was an athlete. She still is. But the road to return from a severe injury that interrupted her sports career was a long one. The trouble began in Miller’s sophomore...
[Read More]Young Athlete Gets Opioid-Free ACL Reconstruction at UOA
When the state finals were over, Bridgewater Raritan High School senior Allison Lynch knew her high school soccer career was over, too. But she wasn’t dwelling on that. Allison, who was sidelined by a knee...
[Read More]Dr. Swan’s Patient Gets Her Run Back!
We wanted to share an inspiring story about a patient who completed IT band release surgery in 2016 and already has her run back!...
[Read More]Dynamic Duo: Doctor and Patient Work Together Toward One Goal
Dr. Kenneth G. Swan, Jr., has a way of connecting with his patients. This was exemplified when he and Tom McAuliffe appeared together at the Raritan Bay Medical Foundation Golf Classic reception on May 23,...
[Read More]High School Athlete Overcomes ACL Injury
Dr. Charles Gatt, the team physician for Montgomery High School since 2010, was on the sidelines during that game. He suspected a torn ACL, which was...
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